"If you don't learn to move better your problem will likely come back!"
B.Sc. Kinesiology from McGill University
B.Sc. Exercise Science with a specialization in Athletic Therapy from Concordia University
Certified Athletic Therapist CAT(C)
Certified Massage Therapist Silver level from Kiné-Concept.
I’d been introduced to Athletic Therapy during my first year of Kinesiology but decided to finish Kinesiology first before venturing towards Athletic Therapy.
I wasn’t completely convinced it was what I wanted to do at first, but I must say I don’t regret my decision. Having a background in Kinesiology has helped me gain a better appreciation for Athletic Therapy by noticing that people react differently to exercises, so I have to be adaptable to each person.
After passing the National Athletic Therapy exam, I decided Massage Therapy would improve my skills in feeling the health of a muscle. The goal is to try and integrate new skills and knowledge to help each person reach their goals of reaching their new potential.
Ready to get back to doing what you love?